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Analele Universitatii Titu Maiorescu - Titu Maiorescu University law review 2024

ISBN/ISSN: 1584-4781_2024
Editura: Hamangiu
30,00 RON
Disponibilitate: Aceasta carte nu mai este pe stoc si nu mai poate fi comandata

Din cuprinsul Analele Universitatii Titu Maiorescu - Titu Maiorescu University Law Review 2024

The court’s intervention in penal clauses of civil contracts. Regulations and comparative law aspects
Florentina PETRE 

Theoretical and practical aspects regarding the appointment of the candidate for the office of Romanian prime minister

Apparent and hidden defects in outsourcing contracts and in software programs. Theoretical and practical aspects
Tiberiu Daniel TRIF 

The role of the prosecutor in selecting preventive measures in the context of human rights protection
Elena Larisa TUFAN 

Anti-competitive practices and the closure of the competition council's investigation through the commitments procedure
Marcel VASILE 

Freedom of assembly as a tool for shaping the democratic space in the case of Eckert v. France: some observations on the possible limitations of the application of Article 11 of the European Convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms
Maria-Beatrice BERNA