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Practical elements of rheumatology. Clinical case reports

ISBN/ISSN: 978-606-27-2436-8
Editura: Hamangiu
85,00 RON
Disponibilitate: IN STOC
How to beter acquire medical knowledge, if not from the theoretical basis and later supplemented by clinical case reports. This didactic approach seemed relevant and original in knowing, understanding and treating these pathologies. It was wanted to choose the most emblematic systemic pathologies, more precisely the most frequently encountered in an internal medicine and rheumatology service.The ability to establish a diagnosis, but also to exclude one, is in a balanced symbiosis, and the treatment is in a continuous dynamic.Some pathologies are serious, extremely serious, others less serious, but all have benefited from progress in how to precise and faster diagnose and treat these pathologies.Ancuta MIHAI, MD, PhD
Great value for money
O carte de specialitate ce tratează cele mai frecvente patologii din sfera reumatologică. Acompaniată de cazuri clinice, bine explicate.
Utilă în primul rând studenților.
Keep up the good work!
Razvan-Viorel | 03.06.2024 00:06
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Detalii tehnice
Data aparitiei29 ian. 2024
Categorie generalaCursuri, seminarii, teste
Numar pagini134
Format297x210 mm
Tip copertaCarte brosata