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Corina Hategan

Cercetator stiintific, dr., Institutul de Cercetari Socio-Umane „Gheorghe Sincai”, Targu Mures.
Domenii de interes: propaganda comunista, presa din perioada regimului comunist.

Publicatii reprezentative:  The political and ideological education during Ceausescu’s regime. Study case: the ancient history teachings for children reflected in the ’80s comics, in volumul conferintei internationale Globalization, Intercultural Dialogue and National Identity IV, 2017; Propaganda and the communists’ fight against fascism. Study case: the celebration of the National Day, the 23 of august 1944, reflected into the Romanian comics for children in the ’80s, in volumul conferintei internationale  Literature, Discourse And Multicultural Dialogue, editia V, Targu Mures, decembrie 2017; Sports and the Ceausescu’s regime – propaganda’s tool or mass physical education? Study case: the „Sportul” magazine during the ‘80s, in volumul conferintei Globalization, Intercultural Dialogue and National Identity, V,  2018.

actualizat martie 2019